

CyberSecurity Malaysia is fully committed to conduct all of our businesses in an honest and ethical manner. In line with our policies and core values, we take a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption. Ethic and Integrity have been part of CyberSecurity Malaysia values and have been reinforced by our commitment to upholding good governance and ethical business practices by establishing relevant policies, procedures, and mechanisms.



Alleged improper conduct and abuses will be entertained with appropriate actions. If you are aware of any misconduct, unethical, or unlawful acts against CyberSecurity Malaysia, please lodge a report or whistle to the Chief Integrity and Governance Officer (CIGO) via whistleblowing channels as below. Note: Your identity and report will be kept confidential.


  • e-Form:

    Click Here

  • Hotline:

    03 8008 7072

  • Email to:, (for report against CIGO)

  • Write to:

    Chief Integrity Officer (CIGO)
    CyberSecurity Malaysia,
    Level 7 Tower 1, Menara Cyber Axis,
    Jalan Impact, 63000 Cyberjaya,

Code of Conduct and Ethics


Employees of CyberSecurity Malaysia are always bound by a set of policies and guidelines that have been established to guide them in practicing ethical behavior in the fulfillment of their duties.


Gift Code Of Conduct


CyberSecurity Malaysia practices a “gift” policy, with certain limited exceptions, to avoid conflict of interest or violation of anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws.


Conflict of Interest


All CyberSecurity Malaysia personnel are required to act in the best interests of CyberSecurity Malaysia and not put themselves in a position where they are involved in an activity for personal gain or involves a conflict of interest. A conflict of interest arises when personal interests and relationships impair, or appear to impair, the independence of any action/ judgment which CyberSecurity Malaysia personnel may need to make in discharging their duties to CyberSecurity Malaysia.