Cryptography Development

Cryptography Development (CD) was established in 2007 to spearhead the research and development in various areas of cryptography. CD continuously engages with the cryptography experts in Malaysia to support activities in one of the National Cryptography Policy’s Strategic Approach.


Our goal is to increase organisational’s data protection, confidentiality and integrity through the use of evaluated and certified cryptographic modules and algorithms


CDD Objectives:

  • To increase trust on the use of cryptography technology in IT products and digital environment; and

  • To provide expertise in cryptographic modules and algorithms validation




MY Cryptographic Module Validation - ISO/IEC 19790



Malaysia scheme for validating and certifying cryptographic modules based on ISO/IEC 19790:2012 standard


CD performs validation activities based on testing methods specified in ISO/IEC 24759:2017





Senarai Algoritma Kriptografi Terpercaya Negara



MySEAL is a project to develop a portfolio of national trusted cryptographic algorithms. It is a project specifically designed to provide a list of cryptographic algorithms suitable for implementation within Malaysian context that supports National Cryptoraphy Policy (NCP) or Dasar Kriptografi Negara. While NCP serves as a guiding document for Malaysia to achieve cryptographic sovereignty, MySEAL will support in the scientific areas of cryptography and cryptanalysis.





Cryptanalysis and other Cryptographic Evaluation



Other analysis / evaluation services that related to cryptography:

  • Cryptanalysis
  • Cryptographic algorithm conformance testing
  • Randomness testing using CRTT





Research & Development



CD involves in the R&D initiatives that related to cryptography and Distributed Ledger Technology. Among our R&D projects are:

  • CiliPadi Lightweight Cryptographic Algorithm
  • SmartPay System – Cashless payment system on Ethereum Blockchain platform

Under this service, we welcome any partnerships with local and international parties to accelerate the development of cryptography.